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Need to Know for Newlyweds
Engaged and recently married couples will appreciate this collection of wisdom and wit written to help them enjoy a long and successful marriage. This book features practical, often humorous, and highly relevant relationship advice that will improve communication, inspire connection, and infuse joy as they adjust to life as husband and wife.
Need to Know for New Parents
Expecting or adopting couples will appreciate this collection of practical and highly relevant wisdom and wit that will help them manage their expectations, experience grace, and laugh at themselves when things don’t go as planned. Inside you’ll find the kind of advice that author Jeff Atwood and his wife wish someone had given them when they first had children.
Need to Know for Graduates
The original in the “Need to Know” series, this book was born out of a series of text messages the author sent his daughter during her senior year of high school. The senior year is a time of transitions, chock full of beginnings and endings and new things and old things. Few life transitions are bigger or more impactful than graduation.